Monday, May 24, 2010

Create a Kindergarten Class

Create a kindergarten class. I will give the surname of the teacher and students, along with the genders.
Each one will have a list that you can chose a first and middle(s) from. The names will be chosen using Nymbler. Today's theme is Harry Potter, just because I'm watching the Harry Potter marathon. xD

Inspiration names: Severus, Sirius, Draco, Bellatrix, Luna, & Hermoine.

School - Place in Harry Potter movie + Geographical term + Prep School (Ex:-Azkaban + Hills + Prep School = Azkaban Hills Prep School )

Teacher - Ms. (Carter, Parker, Miller, Mason, Abbott)
Teacher Assistant - Ms. (Marshall, Sinclair, Wendell, Seymour, Morris)

Ashby, (Male) - Noble, Jasper, Atticus, Caesar, Apollo.
Beaumont, (Female) - Penelope, Aurora, Isis, Minerva, Lavender.
Dowell, (Male) - Maximus, Lancelot, Peregrine, Remus, Phoenix.
Fox, (Female) - Calliope, Lotus, Athena, Isadora, Poppy.
Grier, (Male) - Orion, Gulliver, Lucius, Ransom, Blade.
Hawkins, (Female) [Identical twin] - Desdemona, Paloma, Astrid, Verity, Lilias.
Hawkins, (Female) [Identical twin] - Artemis, Piper, Willa, Niamh, Ophelia.
Innis, (Male) - Caspian, Banjo, Jupiter, Albus, Kingsley.
King, (Female) - Phoebe, Linnea, Elodie, Laurel, Petula.
Leighton, (Male) - Hawk, Blue, Zephyr, River, Phineas.
Lockett, (Female) - Pandora, Olive, Tallulah, Sidonie, Jemima.
McIntosh, (Male) - Talon, Archer, Royal, Axel, Lux.
Nightingale, (Female) - Cassiopeia, Melody, Fleur, Isolde, Cosette.
Paxon, (Male) - Amadeus, Sawyer, Crispin, Dexter, Preston.
River, (Female) - Blythe, Ginevra, Esther, Ramona, Opal.
Smith, (Male) - Falco, Cassius, Meritt, Graham, Griffin.
Tennyson, (Male) - Callum, Roman, Drake, Florian, Basil.
Trueheart, (Female) - Ianthe, Serafina, Magdalen, Agatha, Avril.
Vanderbilt, (Male) - Holden, Evander, Beau, Lachlan, Gage.
Willoughby, (Female) - Delphine, Lisette, Myrtle, Love, Elowen.
York, (Male) - Cullen, Vaughn, Mathias, Cecil, Arden.
Zane, (Female) - Chantilly, Lilac, Darla, Araceli, Ruth.


Bunny said...

St. Mungo Valley Prep School

Teacher - Ms. Abbott.
Teacher's Assistant - Ms. Wendell.

Jasper Atticus Ashby "Jazz" (Male)
Minerva Isis Beaumont "Minnie" (Female)
Maximus Phoenix Dowell "Max" (Male)
Isadora Poppy Fox "Dora" (Female)
Gulliver Orion Grier (Male)
Paloma Astrid Hawkins (Female) - Twin.
Artemis Willa Hawkins (Female) - Twin.
Caspian Kingsley Innis "Cas" (Male)
Linnea Petula King (Female)
Zephyr Blue Leighton (Male)
Sidonie Olive Lockett "Onie" (Female)
Archer Luxx McIntosh "Archie" (Male)
Melody Fleur Nightingale (Female)
Crispin Dexter Paxon (Male)
Ginevra Blythe River "Ginny" (Female)
Falco Cassius Smith (Male)
Callum Drake Tennyson (Male)
Agatha Ianthe Trueheart "Aggie" (Female)
Lachlan Beau Vanderbilt "Lokie" (Male)
Delphine Love Willoughby "Feeny" (Female)
Cecil Arden York (Male)
Chantilly Lilac Zane "Tilly" (Female)

Betsy said...

Privet Valley Prep School

Ms. Mason
Ms. Sinclair

Jasper Atticus Ashby "Jasper Ashby"
Penelope Lavender Beaumont "Lola Beaumont"
Remus Lancelot Dowell "Remy Dowell"
Athena Calliope Fox "Athena Fox"
Orion Lucius Grier "Orion Grier"
Lilias Desdemona Hawkins "Lily Hawkins"
Willa Artemis Hawkins "Willa Hawkins"
Caspian Kingsley Innis "Casper Innis"
Phoebe Linnea King "Phoebe King"
Phineas Blue Leighton "Phinn Leighton"
Olive Pandora Lockett "Liv Lockett"
Archer Royal McIntosh "Ari McIntosh"
Cosette Cassiopeia Nightingale "Cosette Nightingale"
Dexter Crispin Paxon "Dex Paxon"
Esther Ramona River "Etta River"
Graham Falco Smith "Graham Smith"
Drake Florian Tennyson "Drake Tennyson"
Serafina Avril Trueheart "Sadie Trueheart"
Holden Beau Vanderbilt "Holden Vanderbilt"
Elowen Delphine Willoughby "Ellie Willoughby"
Mathias Cullen York "Mathias York"
Lilac Araceli Zane "Lilac Zane"

Anonymous said...

Nurmengard Hills Prep School

Teacher: Ms. Abbott
Assisstant: Ms. Morris

Apollo Atticus Ashby - "Paul"
Lavender Isis Beaumont - "Lavi"
Maximus Phoenix Dowell - "Max"
Calliope Athena Fox - "Calli"
Lucius Orion Grier - "Lucius"
Paloma Verity Hawkins - "Pal"
Ophelia Niamh Hawkins - "Phee"
Kingsley Jupiter Innis - "Kings"
Elodie Petula King - "Elodie"
Phinaeus Hawk Leighton - "Phinn"
Olive Sidonie Lockett - "Olive"
Archer Lux McIntosh - "Archie"
Fleur Isolde Nightingale - "Fleur"
Sawyer Amadeus Paxon - "Sawyer"
Ramona Opal River - "Mona"
Falco Griffin Smith - "Falco"
Basil Roman Tennyson - "Basil"
Agatha Ianthe Trueheart - "Aggie"
Lachlan Beau Vanderbilt - "Lach"
Lisette Delphine Willoughby - "Lissy"
Mathias Arden York - "Matt"
Araceli Ruth Zane - "Celi"

hannah. said...

School: Burrow Hills Prep School

Teacher: Ms. Miller
Teacher Assistant: Ms. Morris

Atticus Noble Ashby
Isis Lavender Beaumont
Maximus Remus Dowell
Isadora Poppy Fox
Gulliver Orion Grier
Astrid Verity Paloma Hawkins
Ophelia Niamh Willa Hawkins
Caspian Jupiter Innis
Elodie Petula King
Zephyr River Blue Leighton
Pandora Olive Lockett
Archer Talon McIntosh
Fleur Isolde Nightingale
Amadeus Sawyer Paxon
Esther Opal River
Cassius Falco Meritt Smith
Roman Drake Tennyson
Serafina Magdalen Trueheart
Beau Lachlan Vanderbilt
Delphine Love Willoughby
Cullen Mathias Vaughn York
Lilac Araceli Ruth Zane

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